Air System Troubleshooting Guide
system is:
A. One of the system's compressors may be defective and unable to build adequate pressure and flow. This will cause the system to trigger the lag pump to meet demand, setting off the lag alarm.
B. One of the system's compressors or motors may have failed for any reason. This could be due to heat shutdown, a failed motor or other cause. To meet demand, the pressure switch would cause the lag pump to be actuated, resulting in the lag alarm.
C. The pressure switches could be set too close or they could be defective. When multiple pressure switches are used, setting the switches too close together could make the lag compressor come on too quickly, which would trigger the alarm. A faulty switch could also cause the lag compressor to come on with the same result.
D. The system may be undersized for the facility's demand. Many systems are designed with one compressor reserved for backup. However, if the total demand is too high for the system, all compressors could be actuated, resulting in a lag alarm.