Air System Troubleshooting Guide
system is:
A. The compressor could have a clogged inlet filter. This is a replacement item that could restrict air flow to the compressor. Less air in means less compressed air out.
B. The system's inlet isolation valve could be partially closed or fully closed. In order to provide adequate air flow, the isolation valve must be completely open. Restricting the flow through the valve will result in poor performance.
C. The system's refrigerated dryer could be frozen, restricting air flow through it. To correct the situation, the dryer will need to be brought back to proper operating temperature and the source of the problem corrected.
E. The compressor itself may have worn compression rings or worn valves. If either components are worn, the compressor will not be able to compress the air to the desired pressure, resulting in unacceptable performance. The compressor will need to be rebuilt or replaced if it is beyond economic repair.